Multi-user XR app

How to make a multi-user XR app

Many of the most exciting VR applications are designed for multiple users. However, developers often struggle to implement all the necessary features for users to fully engage with the software.

With XR development, things become easier. XR is inherently multi-tasking, meaning developers can create software that assumes users have access to and are using multiple applications simultaneously, similar to how Windows functions.

This multi-tasking capability enables developers to create multi-user software that can perform specific tasks, allowing people to use these applications together. For instance, creating a virtual pen app in VR requires developers to build the pen, avatars, voice chat, world-building, and connectivity, among other features. Over time, developers may be pressured to add more non-pen functionality as popularity grows.

XR's multi-tasking feature lightens the load on developers since they can leverage other applications in the ecosystem. To build a multi-user pen, developers only need to synchronize application functionality states and integrate the Pluto SDK to utilize shared spatial anchors and XR communication. This means that developers can focus on specific functionalities while customers see and talk to others and use that functionality together, across various platforms.